Zach's March-April 2013 click here to go to Zach's May-June 2013 page

tied shoelaces

Somebody tied Mommy's shoelaces... (and it wasn't Mommy!) 2013-03-04

SMS camp01

School camp was lots of fun! 2013-03-09

SMS camp - tire swing

There was a tire swing there, too (and he'd been riding his bike, hence the helmet; practically wore it 24/7 :=) ) 2013-03-09

harvest festival svc

Zach helped collect food for the harvest festival service 2013-03-17

harvest festival bbq

The harvest festival service was followed by a good old-fashioned Thanksgiving BBQ! 2013-03-17

yummm burgers

The boys enjoyed their burgers, too :=) 2013-03-17

festival service - basket face

...He's a great helper and sometimes seems smart beyond his years, and then also reminds us that he *is* only 6. :=) 2013-03-17

play date

A dream come true: a boy moved in next-door, who is right about Zach's age --and they get along! 2013-03-18

cronulla bike ride

Another bike ride, this time in Cronulla 2013-03-23

sudoku buddies

What's the saying? Those who sudoku together stay together? :=) 2013-03-24

playground fun

A slide-full of fun! 2013-03-26


Vietnamese-spring-roll time! 2013-03-26

swimming lessons01

Another round of swimming lessons... Coming along nicely 2013-03-28

swimming lessons02

:=) 2013-03-28

xboxing with friends

Ahhh... The xBox: source of much appeal to Zach's friends! 2013-03-29


We took friends with us to see the circus at Darling Harbour 2013-03-29

easter egg hunt @ home01

It's Easter... which means: Easter egg hunt! Hunt #1: at home 2013-03-31

easter egg hunt @ home02

Found something! (Mommy hides more than just candy eggs :=) ) 2013-03-31

easter egg hunt @ church01

Easter egg hunt #2: after church (in his Sunday finest!) 2013-03-31

easter egg hunt @ church02

Easter eggs found, we pool the loot and divvy it up! 2013-03-31

easter cookies @ church

As if Easter egg candies weren't enough, there were also cookies to decorate <and eat>! 2013-03-31

easter egg dying

...The Easter fun continues with egg dying, at Mr. & Mrs. Murray Heldon's! (P.S. white-shelled eggs hard to come by; brown eggs tricky to dye!) 2013-03-31

organizing for a re-hunt

Easter may have been the day before, but the fun keeps going when Zach re-fills the plastic eggs with his loot :=) 2013-04-01

daddy's bday

This big little boy still likes to help Daddy unwrap his birthday presents, too :=> 2013-04-03

hurdling zach

Zach amazed us with his spontaneous impressive chair hurdling! 2013-04-04

d's bday party

...Having a little man-to-man with his friend D (ever stylish in his rabbit mask, blue ribbon and black socks!) 2013-04-07

h's bday party

Another day, another birthday party! 2013-04-13

zach in chair01

Zach is 6½! 2013-04-13

zach in chair02

For pictures of Zach in The Chair through the ages, click here! 2013-04-13

pirrama park

We decided to try a new park: fun in the fountain at Pirrama Park 2013-04-14


The age-old game of "Why is my pillow so lumpy?! Pillow, stay still!" :=] 2013-04-15

reading chickadee

Zach loves reading his monthly issue of Chickadee! :=> (...Which thrills his mama, who also loved Chickadee as a young lass!) 2013-04-16

best buddy

Zach and his best buddy :=) 2013-04-18

monopoly jr

A household favourite game: Monopoly Jr! 2013-04-20

zach the banker

(Does it surprise you to know that he most enjoys it when he can be the banker? :=) ) 2013-04-20

bike ride - SOP

Bike ride! Sydney Olympic Park 2013-04-21

anzac day on central coast01

We drove up to the Central Coast (NSW) to spend ANZAC Day with the Lockharts. Here, at Norah Head 2013-04-25

young photograher

(Zach took his own pictures, too :=) ) 2013-04-25

lighthouse closed for anzac day

"Lighthouse tours ~ every day (except Christmas Day and ANZAC Day)". Bad luck! :=\ 2013-04-25

T&Z on the rocks

Ever the clown :=) 2013-04-25

feeding of the pelicans

One of the attractions at 'The Entrance' is the feeling of the pelicans 2013-04-25

terrigal beach fun01

Zach likes dodging waves 2013-04-25

terrigal beach02

...And laying in waves... 2013-04-25

terrigal beach03

...And building sand things... 2013-04-25


On our way home, we were fairly excited to see a Lonestar Steakhouse! 2013-04-25

lego show01

We went to the Sydney Lego Brick Show with friends; saw some pretty cool pieces! 2013-04-28


They built their own stuff, too 2013-04-28

zach's lego creation

Here's Zach's :=) (...robot?) 2013-04-28

bubble dude

Then there was a dude, outside, who blew some crazy bubbles! 2013-04-28

bubble hat

Zach got a bubble hat! 2013-04-28

como playground

We finished April with a walk across the Como bridge and visit to the playground with friends 2013-04-29







A further glimpse into Zach:

- ...Sometimes, a little boy still just wants his mama to sing him to sleep. :=) "That one you sing,... The Lord's Prayer*, that helps me go to sleep." (*That song Mommy has sung him to sleep to as long as he's been alive! :=) )

- Watching "Flight of the Navigator," one Friday pizza-and-movie night, the teenage girl says to the 12-year-old boy, "You're cute. Has a girl ever told you that, before?" "Just my mom," he says, "but that doesn't count." Zach questions, "Why doesn't that count??" :=) Sweet innocence...

- We didn't have a palm procession during our Palm Sunday service, this year, but Zach apparently felt the need for one, taking up a bough during the first song, with his friend. :=)

- April appears to have been the month when Zach's passion obsession with CODES began?? He makes them up, too. E.g.: WFA13DPSS = Wednesday - Fall - April - 2013 - Daddy - Paper Star Ships (as in, that's what he did on that day). Day-season-month-year-parent-activity. Woah! :=D

- Ahh, yes. April 23, 2013: Daddy was working on the church newsletter when Zach climbed into his lap for a look-see. Daddy began showing Zach different aspects of word processing, including fonts. Somehow they end up looking at Bookshelf Symbol 7, and Zach's smart little brain latches onto it and learns it. Thus is born his longstanding relationship with codes.
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